Thursday June 27, 2:59 pm Eastern Time - Press Release
Delta Air Lines Dedicates 'The Spirit of Delta' to Employees
ATLANTA, Delta Air Lines' Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Leo F. Mullin today dedicated Ship 102, "The Spirit of Delta," to all Delta employees worldwide in appreciation for their strength, courage and commitment.
"Delta is the best airline in the world because you are the best employees in the world," Mullin told employees at the dedication ceremony at Delta's Technical Operations Center at its world headquarters in Atlanta.
Ship 102, Delta's first Boeing 767-200, was delivered in 1982, purchased by voluntary contributions from employees, retirees and Delta's community partners. The effort, called Project 767, was spearheaded by three Delta flight attendants to show the employees' appreciation to Delta for solid management and strong leadership during the first years following airline de- regulation.
The aircraft's livery has been updated to reflect Delta's new paint scheme, with "The Spirit of Delta" boldly painted on the fuselage.
SOURCE: Delta Air Lines, Inc.